Zebbie S09/27/20225The kids did love this place because it was cool. went on the kindergarten field trip with my middle kid. The performers also wore masks the entire time, which was our ONE complaint. The actor who played the cat was very entertaining and very easy to hear and comprehend. The two female artists, however, had softer voices and were both more difficult to understand. I'm not a fervent opponent of masks; sometimes we just need to use some common sense.Show more
Mandy N09/26/20225A fall drama starring my daughters. ye.commastmastmastmas, and. positive rumors about it.
Cyra M08/23/20225During the weekend, I got the opportunity to see the show Newsies; as always, GREAT Performance. Don't pass up the opportunity to witness this play; Sunset has hosted many fantastic performances that are always fun.Show more