About Fashion First Workshops LLC in Plainfield, NJ
We teach students grades 1-12 the fundamentals of sewing to help explore their creativity. Our instructors nurture and help build self esteem. From after school sewing classes in the classroom to fashion programs in local recreation centers and other locations, we love teaching kids to sew and how to design clothes they’re proud to wear. On Saturdays we offer sessions at our Home Studio in the Netherwood Heights Historic District of Plainfield, NJ. We are always busy with planning Fashion Summer Camps, NYC fashion field trips, Girl Scout Events & Service Projects & Fashion Birthday Parties.
Our students [Fashion Designers] start with the sketch (croquis) and technical details, choose and render the fabric, learn the proper way to make a pattern, including measuring each other, and understand the importance of this process to the final FIT of the garment. They learn how to pin and how to use a sewing machine to create the entire garment, including the final fitting. Finally, on the last day of our fashion design sewing classes, we hold our very own Fashion Show.
Programs at Fashion First Workshops LLC in Plainfield, NJ
Spring Fashion Classes
Get Ready to become a Fashion Designer! Our Student Designers will explore crafting clothing from start to finish. Our Beginners will be creating our Trapeze Dress and our Advanced Beginners will be creating our Cut-Out Dress!
Our Trapeze Dress is perfect for the upcoming warm weather! Our beginners who are looking to grow their sewing skills will be able to enhance their sewing skills as we teach alongside our young designers. For our Advanced Beginners we are going to be making the Trendy Cutout Dress. A little more advanced in technique, our students are able to design and challenge their skills to create the perfect spring dress.
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Summer Fashion Camps
Ready to become a fashion designer? Join us as we explore the world of sewing in Retro Boardwalk Week, Caribbean Week, & Disco Week Camps!
Measuring, pinning, cutting out, and of course sewing — 0ur students will do it all! At the end of our Camp weeks, our Designers show off their skills in a fashion show for their family and friends!
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Private Sewing Lessons
One and a half hour minimum sewing lessons.
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