About Bergenfield Public Library in Bergenfield, NJ
Bergenfield’s first lending library was located in a small room in Mutual Hall on Front and Van Houten streets at the end of World War I. In 1920, the Library moved to the second floor of Town Hall where it grew from one to four rooms, until it relocated to Borough Hall in 1936. As the Borough of Bergenfield grew post-World War II, so did the demand for Library services. During the 1960s, the Library Board of Trustees and the Friends of the Library (which was organized in 1961) began a concentrated effort to build a dedicated space for the Bergenfield Public Library. Construction at 50 West Clinton Avenue began in 1967; the new facility, which the Library has called home for 51 years, opened in 1968.
Throughout its nearly 100-year history, community leaders had the foresight to know that a public library would play an important role in the growth and well being of the town. In 2003, the Library moved to temporary quarters and a major renovation and expansion funded by a State Library Grant and Borough funds began. Dedicated in 2005, the new space helped expand programming for children and teens, and paved the way for vital improvements such as English as a Second Language tutoring, greater access to public computers, job and career assistance, adult quiet study rooms, and more.