We moved from the surrounding urban fabric, with multiple story buildings and heterogeneous densities, choosing for not an outstanding and self-referential building, but a more introvert one, designed out from the terrain shape.
The Science, Art and Sport Center for Children, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1993.
We offer a safe, educational after-school program, designed to provide essential enrichment services, which are not being provided by the Public School system to children.
Our philosophy is based on involving children in programs that will excite them about learning. All classes are taught by highly professional teachers and coaches. Our classes are taught in Russian but all the Teachers are bi-lingual and are able to communicate with English-speaking students.
The Science, Art and Sport Center for Children works with its sponsors to provide a quality learning experience for all the children enrolled in our programs.
After-school hours are the peak time for juvenile crimes and risky behaviors, including alcohol and drug use. NYVPRC found that children who do not spend any time in after-school activities are 49 percent more likely to have used drugs and 37 percent more likely to become a teen parent. Kids are also at the highest risk of becoming a victim of violence after school, particularly between the hours of 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. The highest amount of juvenile crime occurs between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., the hour after most children are dismissed from school.
The NYVPRC defines after-school programs as safe, structured activities that convene on a regular basis in the after-school hours and offer children opportunities to learn new skills. The skills students learn can range from technology and math to reading and art. Some programs also offer opportunities for internships, community service, or mentoring.
These programs have been shown to improve academic achievement, as well as relieve the stresses on working families. According to the NYVPRC, most experts agree that after-school activities can serve as important strategies for youth violence prevention and intervention, and can also help students develop into responsible adults.
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