Susanne P09/27/20224.88The most best basketball program I've ever seen, without a doubt. Our son still completes his homework every night because he loves it so much. Amazing effort was done by the coaches in assisting each athlete to work at their particular skill level. Our son benefited much from the various drills they practiced in numerous ways. I'm eager for him to come back for the fall semester!Show more
Jessy B07/18/20225Isadora enjoys her Hooper Hands lesson a lot! She's gained so much knowledge! Her two basketball leagues have inquired as to where she obtained her expert dribbling skills. My response was Hooper Hands. They can't wait to enroll their girls in a class as well!Show more
Hayle M03/22/20225Finding an excellent program with amiable, vivacious coaches is quite difficult. It's a great program. The way the session was run and the amazing coaches really wowed me. Good work!Show more