About M. K. Music Studios in Oconomowoc, WI

The secret to our success is our custom learning plans. All of our instructors take the time to get to know their students and help them identify their goals. From there, they create a tailored program that teaches the fundamentals of music while helping students improve their skills in their favorite genres. We also make sure to have a fun, relaxed atmosphere so students feel comfortable enough to take risks and really learn. Every successful music studio needs something that sets it apart and makes it stand out. M.K. Music Studios has found that in our custom learning plans. We take the time to get to know our students and create a tailored program that helps them reach their goals. We make sure that every student is having fun and feeling comfortable enough to take risks and really learn. Our dropout rate of only 3% speaks to the effectiveness of our learning methods.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Kids


  • Music Studio

Programs at M. K. Music Studios in Oconomowoc, WI

a girl playing a guitar
M. K. Music Studios

Most studios will start you out on really simple, boring songs (like the classic Hot Cross Buns). Right from the beginning, we customize songs that you choose so they're on par with your skill level. That way, you'll be learning songs you can actually enjoy playing while you're building your skillset! Every lesson will be super customizable to what your current needs are. Whether you're playing at restaurants a lot, just singing for fun, or wanting to write a full album, we can coach you and give you further opportunities to succeed. Every student uses music for different purposes, and we want to help you find & fulfill yours. Parents and siblings can enjoy a fully furnished lobby complete with complimentary coffee, cookies, and magazines! Many fun books on composers are available for you to read with your children while you wait! We offer many opportunities to perform (and even record)! We are currently partnered with Roots Coffeebar in Oconomowoc to present Young Musicians Live, a bi-monthly event our students can use to practice performing! Additionally, we work with Shorehaven Assisted Living Center to serve the community through performances twice per year. If you are interested in intermediate & advanced music theory, songwriting, or instrumental composition, we offer group and one-on-one classes for all skill levels. As the owner of M.K. Music Studios, I value your feedback. We can do a 15-minute progress review every 3 months upon request. During that time, we can talk about what you've learned, what you want to work on in the future, and what other musical avenues you might want to pursue. Student community is important! We offer lots of opportunities to connect & perform with other students with similar skill levels and styles.

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Location and contact information

1341 West Wisconsin Ave, Oconomowoc, WI, 53066