Iren L05/10/20225It's so much more than just fitness, although these great folks are really good at what they do. The youngsters' wellbeing, development, and character-building are really important to Master Benton and Grand Master Yun. Every class receives a brief lecture on overcoming obstacles in life. My kids talk about respect, decency, integrity, persistence, self-control, and having an unbreakable spirit when they get home. The Masters and all the professors are great and we're very grateful to have become part of this organization.
Daly O09/06/20225The setting and the instructors in general are warm and encouraging. The lessons and techniques that my children have learnt while training at World Martial Arts have made a significant impact in their lives; they are now more secure, confident, and occasionally more well-behaved. I'm thrilled that their training has translated into their academic performance and classroom demeanor. Anybody interested in taekwondo should definitely check out this school.
Carl N11/08/20225My entire family has been students for eight years now and we have tested together every step of the way. My wife and kid have become stronger and more self-assured. Our stay at the academy has improved our living and we have developed together.