Keewaydin Dunmore is a summer camp like no other, located on beautiful Lake Dunmore in the heart of the Green Mountains in Vermont. Boys ages 8-16 return year after year for the magic of a Keewaydin summer. Campers come from across the US and international locations, representing different religions, races, cultural backgrounds, and socio-economic backgrounds. Each boy is valued for who they are.
The camp is divided into four “wigwams” (i.e. age groups): Annwi for 8-10-year-olds, Waramaug for 10-12-year-olds, Wiantinaug for 12-14-year-olds and Moosalamoo for 14-16 year olds. Each wigwam has its own living area and waterfront as shown on the illustrated map. Activities and trips are done primarily by wigwam, but the camp also comes together to eat and participate in activities and events.
Established in 1910, Keewaydin Dunmore is one of the most established camps in the country and has long been at the forefront of the American camping movement. Its rich in-camp activity program and extensive trip program provide a summer camp experience that cannot be found anywhere else!