At Thayer Arena, our top priority is making sure that everyone can enjoy a safe and fun experience while skating. We work hard throughout the year to ensure that our facility is clean, secure, and always up to date with the latest recreational and competitive ice-skating standards. We welcome both residents and non-residents, and cater to youth and adult patrons alike.
At Thayer Arena, we strive to provide the best possible service while keeping our expenses in check. We are committed to finding the balance between returns and expenditures, so that we can continue to offer our patrons a great experience.
We invite you to come out and join us at Thayer Arena to enjoy a fun and safe ice-skating experience. We guarantee that you will have a great time and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Basic Skating Skills and Hockey Skating Skills for Girls and Boys AGES 3 YEARS +.
Warwick Figure Skaters' Learn to Skate Program
This program is designed to teach the beginner skater all the fundamentals of figure skating while having fun on the ice. It is designed to keep skaters enthusiastic from the time they first step onto the ice to begin their lessons until the time they reach their goal, whether you want to be an Olympic or national champion, compete in local competitions or just enjoy the recreational skating, the USFS Basic Skills Program is for you!