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About Providence Community Boating Center in Providence, RI
At Providence Community Boating Center, we strive to provide instruction and access to recreational sailing for everyone, regardless of their financial situation. Our primary focus is on children, as we believe that sailing can help build self-esteem, broaden horizons, and foster an appreciation of the environment.
We are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere in which our community’s diverse backgrounds are respected and celebrated. Through recreational sailing, we seek to foster a true sense of community and bring people together.
Our goal is to make sailing accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. We strive to empower children by teaching them the skills and values associated with recreational sailing, while also encouraging an appreciation of the environment and a respect for diversity. Providence Community Boating Center is dedicated to providing these opportunities to all.
Programs at Providence Community Boating Center in Providence, RI
Summer Camp
Our Summer Camp format offers great opportunities for fun and growth with a highly structured curriculum that allows stepped progression through a variety of opportunities for beginner, racing, or cruising-minded sailors.
Sailing programs nationwide are rich environments for STEM learning. Every time a student steps into a boat pulls the tiller or trims a sail they are experiencing powerful lessons. The weather above, the water below, and everything on the boat in-between can provide daily, real-world science lessons. Connecting these hands-on, experiential learning experiences to educational objectives can open up a whole new world of learning and opportunity to both sailors and sailing programs.
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Community Outreach
Sailing Sampler – Youth Outreach
Have your youth group experience sailing in Providence – All from the safety and comfort of a 22’ keelboat. They’ll sit high and dry in our sailor-friendly Hunter 216s. Nothing beats summer sailing in the Ocean State. CBC makes sailing accessible for everyone.
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Reviews of Providence Community Boating Center in Providence, RI