This family has owned the colony since 1942, and it's easy to see why - the same warm and welcoming atmosphere has remained unchanged since then, providing a safe, secure environment for generations of families. The colony offers a lake, a pool, screened-in porches, tree-swings and a day camp for the kids - the only thing missing is playdates! Kids can roam around safely, without having to worry about organized activities.
Families from all five boroughs of New York City and the surrounding suburbs travel to the colony, which is multi-generational and historically Jewish, but welcomes all denominations. Grandparents may even find their own children renting out bungalows for their own families to enjoy.
This colony is a unique and special place, offering a safe and secure environment for families to enjoy, for generations. With its lake, pool, screened-in porches and tree-swings, kids can engage in activities the way they used to, allowing parents to relax and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure, family-friendly environment.
The day camp is considered one of the best in Orange County. Kids swim at least once a day, play sports, go fishing, study nature, do arts and crafts, go on field trips and put on a show. There are several all-camp barbeques and parties.