About Best in Class Education Center in South Orange, NJ

At 'Best in Class', we understand that every student learns differently. That's why we provide individual attention and active instruction in small groups to ensure that all students are getting the most out of their education. Our engaging course material is aligned with common standards, and our programs are available both virtually and in-person, so that families can find the right fit for their child. At 'Best in Class', we believe that every student should have an opportunity to excel. We strive to provide our students with individual attention and instruction in small groups, so that they can get the most out of our engaging course material. Our courses are designed in accordance with common standards, and our programs are available both online and in-person, so that our students can learn in the environment that works best for them. At 'Best in Class', we believe that education should be accessible for all. We provide individual attention and active instruction in small groups so that our students can get the most out of their education. Our courses are designed to meet common standards, and our programs are available both virtually and in-person, so that our students can learn in a way that fits their needs.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Preschool
  • Kids


  • Handicap accessible
  • Internet Access

Programs at Best in Class Education Center in South Orange, NJ

a group of people posing for the camera
Best in Class Education Center

Best in Class students benefit from individual attention, active instruction in small groups, and engaging course material aligned with common standards. Their tutors are friendly, approachable, and professional. They create an encouraging work atmosphere so that their students can have fun while they learn. Their private tutoring offers students the most individualized instruction possible

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Location and contact information

71 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ, 07079