About Look What I Can Do NJ in Shrewsbury, NJ

Look What I Can Do is the perfect place for your child to explore their unique interests, talents, and skills! We offer an alternative to traditional schools by building the curriculum around your children rather than having them fit into predetermined courses. Our small group setting and sampling of multiple activities allows your child to stay excited about learning and discover something new each time they come. Tricia Schaeffer and her dedicated staff provide a nurturing environment for your child to explore and learn. We provide classes, camps, birthday parties, and special events that everyone loves!

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Preschool
  • Kids


  • Handicap accessible
  • Classrooms

Programs at Look What I Can Do NJ in Shrewsbury, NJ

a child with a mask
Pre-K & Kindergarten

Our programs reinforce reading, writing, math, science and engineering skills through theme based stations. From building, constructing, experimenting and storytelling- our rotating stations enable learning in a hands-on, meaningful way.

a couple of young girls painting
Art & Science

Choosing from our endless supply of materials, children work through the planning & experimenting process to create amazing projects. This class is designed to introduce children to the process of Art & Science with the added excitement of sampling various activities. Children are introduced to various forms of the process and then explore their own ideas and discoveries.

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a person and two boys sitting at a table with a laptop
Crazy Concoctions

Sculpture, Duct Tape Creations, Printmaking & Paper Making, Woodworking and More... This class allows each child to let their creative ideas guide the way. Experimenting with Science & Art opens children’s minds to learn how different materials repel, attract, bubble, float & explode.

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Location and contact information

703 Broad Street Franklin Commons, Shrewsbury, NJ, 07702