About Middletown Recreation in Red Bank, NJ

The Department of Recreation offers a wide variety of programs, special events, recreation centers, parks and other facilities open to residents.

What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Preschool
  • Kids
  • Tweens


  • Sports Court/Field
  • Classrooms

Programs at Middletown Recreation in Red Bank, NJ

a couple of children playing with toys
PreK3 (3yo)

To engage and nurture your child, we provide a balance of freedom and instruction. Our PreK3 classroom is designed as a learning community, where your child not only builds skills vital to success in our PreK4 classroom, but also gains respect for others, and a strong sense of confidence. For children enrolled in the full day option, a lunch and sleeping blanket must be brought. The sleeping blanket may be brought on a weekly basis on Monday and it will be returned to you on Thursday. If you would like this returned on a daily basis please let us know.

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a group of children sitting at a table
PreK4 (4yo)

To engage and nurture your child, we provide a balance of freedom and instruction. Our PreK4 classroom is designed as a learning community, where your child not only builds skills vital to success in Kindergarten, but also gains respect for others, and a strong sense of confidence. For children enrolled in the full day option, a lunch and sleeping blanket must be brought. The sleeping blanket may be brought on a weekly basis on Monday and it will be returned to you on Thursday. If you would like this returned on a daily basis please let us know.

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two kids playing with toys
After-School Science Club

Join us for the award-winning Poricy Park after-school science club. We’ve got STEM activities to do, nature to explore, and adventures to be had!

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Reviews of Middletown Recreation in Red Bank, NJ

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Location and contact information

345 Oak Hill Road, Red Bank, NJ, 07701