Body Mind Systems® specializes in training men and women to develop the extra edge they need in life. Students training toward their black belt are looking for maximum success with their career, finances, health, community, relationships and family. Students attain a high level of meaning in their lives, because every thought and action has a purpose and is in harmony with their goals.
The high-level application of martial arts starts with greater mental and physical awareness, continues with control over your mind and body, and culminates with the self-mastery that allows full freedom to direct your life.
As a new student, you rejuvenate the body through “warrior” training. You learn self-defense against a physical attacker. Over time, the student extends their longevity through practicing different types of short forms including their kung fu practice. Over time, the student cultivates their qi through their main forms (long forms) as well as their tai chi, weapons and bagua practices.
Training utilizes 3 internal, 3 external and 2 weapon styles (Kong Su Do (Karate/Tae Kwon Do), Aikido/Hapkido (Chin Na), Yudo (Judo), Kung Fu, Bagua Zhang, Tai Chi (Taiji/Qi Gong), Kom Do (Samurai Sword), and Ship Pal Gye (traditional Chinese weapons training)). These styles encompass the major martial arts and medicinal principles one needs to protect the human body at an above average level.
At a higher level, students often teach what they have learned to cultivate their wisdom. This is the start of their “scholar” training to explore in depth how martial arts forms and movements affect one’s mental and physical development. This can only be done through helping others.
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