Since 1984 we have offered expert Instruction in a nurturing environment. Students quickly become comfortable due to small class sizes, warm pools, and a engaging imaginative curriculum.
Baby and Me is a water introductory group class for infants and toddlers age 6 months to 2.5 years. Children are accompanied into the water with a parent or guardian, and the class offers a great opportunity for bonding with your child in a fun and stimulating environment. Classes run for 30 minutes and include up to six infants. Creative games are used to teach infants breath control, big arm movements, and leg kicks. Parents and children are introduced to the repetitive movements that become skill building blocks. While focusing on comfort and relaxing in the warm water environment, guardians are encouraged to challenge each child’s skill level. Using songs, floating mats, and toys, the classes are structured to help engage your child and most importantly, encourage fun!
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Private Swim Lessons
Private Swim Lessons are offered with one instructor with one student for a half hour. Private lessons usually start with students no younger than 2.5 years of age and older. Repetitive instruction and movements, warm water and patience are the key ingredients for these classes. Developing physical and mental memory creates balance and comfort which are the skill platforms for learning.
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Semi-Private Lessons
Semi-Private Lessons Class ratios are one instructor to two children for only ages 3-4. There is an option for a 30 or 45 minute class.
The emphasis of the class begins with basic water skills, getting comfortable in the pool, assisted and unassisted floating, blowing bubbles, big arm movement, and big kicks. Building on these fundamentals skills and developing them into being able to float and get self sustaining movement. Our main goals at this age is always to be able to jump in the pool and swim back to the safety of the wall.