Maplewood Karate Self-Defense offers affordable martial arts classes for all ages, from four years old to adult.
One of our most popular classes - “Karate Littles” - offer classes for children ages four to five years of age. In this fun fitness class, students learn real techniques they can comprehend for their age level. Also learned is good balance and proper tumbling to prepare them for the next level in child development.
For older students Ages 6 to 8 and 9+, after school Karate & self-defense classes have become very popular, so we have added additional classes for all age groups so that students can train with us and still have time for other sports or activities.
Karate Littles ages 4-5
Karate Kids ages 6-8
Karate Family ages 9+
Karate Adults ages 15+
Adult kickboxing with a Black Belt instructor.
Kata / Weapons (Martial Arts Forms) 9+
Private and Semi Private classes are also avilable.