Timothy N03/26/20215Johnsonburg is where I spent my formative years, and visiting there for the past 12 years has been the best experience of my life. I heartily recommend visiting and getting involved in the town or working at the camp; both are incredible.
Carla O05/28/20215I am a Camp Johnsonbuger! I started coming here for congregational retreats and bringing our son to summer camp. I've participated in Women's retreats and chaperoned youth retreats. I seldom miss an opportunity to spend time at lovely and enchanting Camp Johnsonburg and it has been a true joy to witness it grow and improve over the years. There is something here for everyone -- including heat, proper mattresses and indoor plumbing (in case you are concerned it might be too primitive for you)! The personnel is outstanding, the amenities are first-rate, and the grounds are lovely. And even the cuisine is wonderful!
Betty P10/27/20225Ever child should experience camp. It is necessary. Swimming, boating, and Graft. Zip line , all that johnsonburg has to offer and more .
Ella M02/15/20225We just got back from a wonderful weekend at camp!! We took part in the Get Away to Play program, and we had an amazing time. The staff is great. We had the opportunity to take part in a range of camp activities, including swimming in the lake, creating crafts, and establishing teams. Everything was done in a socially distanced way that felt safe without losing the fun. It was the most calm our family has felt in many months. We are really heading back to do it again in a few weeks since it was so great. It was also an excellent way to introduce our small children to camp. They enjoyed it and will hopefully be campers someday. Thanks Johnsonburg!!
Laura C02/08/20215My three grandchildren will be attending camp for a full week. They are so excited, and I am too! Since I often attend the women's retreats, I also heartily suggest the camp for adults. It a terrific experience to relax, and revitalize your spirit. You will also meet lots of women from churches all over and establish lasting friends.