About East Windsor Taekwondo & Kickboxing Academy in East Windsor, NJ

From giving you an amazing, muscle-building workout to learning critical self-defense skills that no one should be without, you’ll love everything that the Martial Arts classes at NJ TaeKwonDo & Kickboxing Academy have to offer. As you learn the martial arts at NJ TaeKwonDo & Kickboxing Academy, you’ll enjoy a wide range of benefits that our classes have to offer.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Kids
  • Tweens


  • Gym

Programs at East Windsor Taekwondo & Kickboxing Academy in East Windsor, NJ

a couple of boys in karate uniforms

Set your kids up for success with the exciting Little Dragons classes at NJ TaeKwonDo & Kickboxing Academy! From giving kids an amazing workout and teaching them important life skills like leadership, goal-setting and self-control, to giving kids impressive self-defense skills, our Little Dragons classes for kids pack a serious punch! For children between 4½ and 6 years of age, we offer a special half-hour class – called the Little Dragons. These classes emphasize balance, coordination and development of focus. Students learn a variety of self-defense techniques, the 5 Tenets of TaeKwonDo, and a basic exercise regimen that gets them ready to join the Beginner Class.

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a group of people in black uniforms

Students start out in the Beginner Class where they learn the foundations of TaeKwonDo – kicking, blocking, punching and stances. Students in the Beginner class have White, Senior White and Yellow BeltsIntermediate At the Senior Yellow Belt level, students move into the Intermediate class where they begin to learn sparring – of course, with appropriate safety gear! Senior Yellow to Senior Green Belts are in the Intermediate Class.

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a person in a karate uniform

Students in this class learn more advanced kicking and self-defense techniques. TaeKwonDo’s attack is aggressive but the primary focus is on the defensive aspects. Blue, Brown, Red and Black belts are in this class.

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Location and contact information

859 US Highway 130, East Windsor, NJ, 08520