Established in 1944, Camp Yavneh is a beloved Jewish summer camp located on 65 acres of woodland and waterfront in Northwood, New Hampshire. For more than 75 years, Camp Yavneh has been at the center of the lives of thousands of individuals throughout the United States, serving as a shining example of Judaism and love. It has been voted a top-ten Jewish overnight camp from a Jewish Camping magazine, and is a cherished destination for many families.
At Camp Yavneh, children aged 7-16 engage in a range of activities including sports, arts, theater, swimming, music, and more. With its robust Jewish identity and culture, Camp Yavneh offers an enriching and unique experience that is sure to make lasting memories.
Camp Yavneh is dedicated to providing a safe and positive environment for children to learn, grow, and develop. The camp staff are all highly qualified and experienced, providing a top-notch experience that is sure to bring joy to your child. Camp Yavneh also offers a variety of programming for adults, such as reunions, retreats, and other special events.
The heart of the overnight camp experience at Yavneh includes the friends you make, the activities you engage in and the personal and spiritual growth that occur over the summer.
Counselors Training
Kerem provides the leadership skills to transition our campers to their upcoming role as counselors.
Summer in Israel
An exhilarating educational experience aimed at enhancing the participant’s Jewish personal growth and love of Israel.