Angeline N10/17/20224.88I usually attended Keystone camp when I was a kid! I'm from Switzerland, and I've always had a blast here.
Mandy D09/13/20225Young females will love Keystone, too! I camped there every summer from the time I was 8 years old until I was 18! I adore this location, and the friends you develop here are invaluable.Show more
Hazel F07/11/20225several days of enjoyment! Songs, laughing, new friends, delicious food, freedom to be who you are, and prodding to be content and healthy.Show more
Nelson R06/14/20214great girls' camp As a result of this fantastic experience, kids develop and learn. one of the first camps for girls in the US. was first established in 1916.Show more
Jane N03/17/20214.5I loved it so much! When I was younger, I attended every year and thoroughly enjoyed myself!