About Music Time of Milford in Milford, MI

At Music Time! of Milford, we offer a family-friendly music class for children aged 0 to 5 and their parents or caregivers. During each 30-minute class, which runs for 10 weeks, the whole family can sing along to songs, chants, rhythm and tonal play, movement games and instrument play. Plus, each tuition includes CDs and a songbook so you can take the music home with you and continue the fun! At Music Time! of Milford, we believe that music is an essential part of early childhood. It can help to inspire, create community, and build family bonds. With Music Together, we are giving families the tools to cultivate the musical aptitude that everyone is born with. We want to give children the opportunity to explore music in a fun and interactive environment, and to give families the resources to keep the musical journey going at home. Join us for Music Time! and get those musical building blocks rolling early!

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Infants
  • Toddlers
  • Preschool
  • Kids


  • Indoor/Outdoor Playground
  • Classrooms

Programs at Music Time of Milford in Milford, MI

a group of children sitting on the floor

Rhythm Kids is an exciting music, movement, and drumming program for children ages 5-8. This program follows through on Music Together®'s vision to help children complete the path of early childhood music development from birth through age 8. Children will explore the world of rhythm through movement, instrument play, and song using their bodies, djembes (drums), and voices!

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Location and contact information

400 N. Main Street, Suite 203, Milford, MI, 48381