Camp Concordia began in 1957 as an initiative of the Grand Valley Camp Association of the Lutheran Laymen's League. Since then, its mission has been to give children, youth and families the chance to encounter Christ in God's Creation. Through activities like swimming, archery, riflery, hikes, campouts, and more, campers get to experience the infinite love of God and learn to respect one another. All of this is overseen by trained counselors who are passionate about Jesus. In addition to having fun and making memories, campers also build strong missional skills and develop a call to action.
Explorer Campers (Entering Grades 1-3 in fall) try out new activities - a great introduction to summer camp. This shorter overnight experience is perfect for first-time campers. You will feel safe with your cabin counselors, experience who God is around the campfire and have fun swimming, playing field games, shooting archery, singing around the campfire, roasting a marshmallow with a friend, and meeting new friends.
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Trails campers bring friends and meet friends. While they zip, splash, shoot and pad they grow a close community! (Entering Grades 6-8 in the fall) You think you had fun before? This camp raises the bar! It combines powerful devotional experiences, challenging messages and exciting activities to help you know God in a real way. Return home ready to engage with your world, make tough decisions, and manage the pressures of life.
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Family Camp
Families choose options like camp staff led activities from archery to deca-ball, canoeing to challenge course. Plus there are breakout sessions for adults each morning.
Older youth (teens) enjoy their own adventure program & Bible study led by CC Staff and younger children will have their separate program each morning. Sorry, no pets during this weekend adventure. Check-in after 4:00 pm on Friday. Check-out prior to 12:00 noon on Monday.
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