Images curtesy of Central Kung Fu (Moy Yat Family)
About Central Kung Fu (Moy Yat Family) in Worcester, MA
At our studio, we understand that patience is a virtue. Taking the time to learn the basics and understanding the fundamentals of the art is essential to success. It's not like baking a cake or wearing a fancy uniform when you're in danger; you have to take it slow and steady.
Our studio provides a safe and comfortable environment for those who wish to learn this art form. We have a professional instructor who can take you through the basics and help you progress at your own pace. With dedication and patience, you can become a master of this art.
Programs at Central Kung Fu (Moy Yat Family) in Worcester, MA
Kung Fu Class Program
Progress comes with work. It's not about reaching the top, it's about establishing your foundation so you don't come crashing down. Students diligently work their way through each part of the style as taught by Grand master Ip Man, Grand master Moy Yat, Grand master Moy 29, and Sifu Josh. You earn your right to press forward. There are no shortcuts. But there's no shame in mistakes either, we will work with you until you get it right in a supportive class environment. If and when you do reach the top, and finish the styles, you will look back with true satisfaction and pride...
as the Kung Fu becomes ‘your’ Kung Fu.
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Reviews of Central Kung Fu (Moy Yat Family) in Worcester, MA