At Kessler Karate Academy, located in Westford, MA, your family can learn Uechi Ryu, a traditional Okinawan Karate style. The school is a warm, welcoming community of instructors who understand that every student has a different learning style and are passionate about helping them reach their goals.
Kessler Karate Academy is committed to teaching their students the traditional methods of Uechi Ryu karate. But they don't just teach the basics - they also foster an encouraging learning environment that stimulates each student to explore and ask questions. Their instructors take the time to get to know their students and tailor the delivery of the curriculum to their individual learning styles.
Karate is about much more than just self defense. It teaches discipline, respect, and humility. At Kessler Karate Academy, the instructors understand this and are dedicated to helping their students achieve more than just physical development. They strive to cultivate a positive atmosphere that encourages students to explore their potential and develop their self-confidence.
Programs at Kessler Karate Academy in Westford, MA
Junior Students
Junior classes focus on the development of core values such as confidence, discipline, and leadership. Self-defense is more than learning how to punch, kick and block. Personal safety begins with making good decisions.