At TASA, we are proud to be part of your child's team. We are here to help enrich your child's education, physical fitness and mental fortitude. Our curriculum includes lessons in Tae Kwon Do, which will help to reinforce each student's ability to have control over their body, mind and spirit. We are licensed by The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Department of Early Education and Care, and sponsored by Mu Han Martial Arts and The U.S. Future Leadership Foundation. Our goal is to provide the building blocks now for a better future, creating leaders of tomorrow.
Programs at Taunton After School Academy in Taunton, MA
Before School Program
We offer a before school program to help working parents who either need extra time in the morning for themselves or to begin their workday commute. For your convenience you can drop your child off as early as 6:30am up until an hour before school starts. Once your child arrives we will make sure they can finish their breakfast if they brought one and are ready for school. We will then bring your child to his or her school, as transportation to the school is included.
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After School Program
Our after school program begins when we pick up your child from school and ends no later than 6:00pm. Once your child arrives we will get the children settled and have a healthy snack. After snack time we will then clean up and get ready start homework (if any). Once homework is done we will do a bunch of different physical and mental activities. Just in case you didn't know, Tae Kwon Do is included!!
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School Vacation and Summer Program
Our school is open from 6:30am - 6:00pm. To help prevent missed field trips and fun activities planned we ask that all children are here no later than 9:00am. With the exception on lunch everything is included in our program. From snacks, Tae Kwon Do, field trips, transportation, we take care of it all. Every week will focus on a theme. Each day we will learn, eat healthy, do crafts, games, Tae Kwon Do (or other large group games).
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