Our program is tailored to the individual needs of each child with a focus on play-based learning. Research has shown that when children are provided with a variety of experiences to explore, they develop new skills and gain self-confidence. We strive for an inclusive community that recognizes the strengths and talents of children and families of all backgrounds and provide an engaging bi-cultural curriculum. Together, we can set our children up for a successful future.
Programs at Judy Gordon Nursery School in Natick, MA
Judy Gordon Nursery School
The children’s day is filled with many opportunities to engage in discovery and play. The curriculum is carefully crafted to meet the developmental needs and interests of children ages 16 months to 5 years old. Art, Music, Dramatic Play, Block/Construction Play, Gross Motor Play, Literacy, Math and Science are the foundation of providing learning experiences that promote curiosity, love of learning and social/academic engagement. Our Judaic curriculum is interwoven throughout the day including the celebration of holidays, rituals, Jewish values and some Hebrew vocabulary building skills. Specials like Yoga, STEM, Gym and Music further enrich our program and help to broaden our children’s preschool experience.
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