About Creative Community Child Care in Milford, MA
Located at 23 Pine Street in Milford, MA, CCC provides a safe and supportive environment for children from infants through 12 years of age. Open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, CCC is part of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Milford. The teachers have been certified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, and are committed to providing the highest quality of care and education for the children. They are also required to participate in regular training's to ensure they are equipped to provide the best possible experience.
Programs at Creative Community Child Care in Milford, MA
Our Infant & Toddler room is actually 2 rooms: a quiet room and an active room. In the quiet room, the children will sleep, be rocked & held and do one-on-one time. In the active room, the children will eat, play and explore! The children will be loved and nurtured by experienced educators
Toddlers are holistic learners. They use their whole body to explore. Toddlers are excellent scientists. Toddlers will observe, touch, taste, smell and bang objects to learn how the object looks, feels, tastes, smells and sounds. They will throw it in the air to see how it flies
Preschoolers are developing the blue print they need to become lifelong learners. Preschoolers will still use all of their senses to explore objects, but they are also developing their problem solving skills. They do this through their play, their interactions with friends and their interactions with the teachers. Their art is developing from scribbles to identifiable pictures. T
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