At Apex, we offer club membership and workshop to children ages 6-14 years old. We take a unique approach to public speaking and debate, creating a space where our students can express themselves in a supportive and collaborative manner. Our workshops and clubs are designed to create an environment where children can practice their public speaking and debate skills in a fun and engaging way.
The skills that our students gain at Apex Oratory are invaluable. Public speaking and debate are essential skills for success in many aspects of life. We strive to make sure that our students develop the confidence and courage to speak up and make their voice heard. Our organization is dedicated to helping children become better communicators and collaborators. We want to make sure that our students are equipped with the tools they need to make their mark on the world.
Our Rising Speakers program is designed to develop confidence and experience with public speaking. With no previous experience needed, Rising Speakers is the perfect beginner public speaking course. Students learn the fundamentals of persuasive speech by practicing with topics they love to prepare to give a final presentation with a topic of their choice! They will learn how to enunciate, project, and exude confidence, transforming them into persuasive and compelling orators! Our 4:1 student-teacher ratio provides every student the chance to work individually with our instructors in a supportive and collaborative environment.
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Our Flagship Debate program is designed to refine our students’ confidence with argumentation and develop the skills necessary to get ahead in debate. With no previous experience needed, Flagship Debate is the perfect beginner debate course. Students learn the fundamentals of debate by practicing with topics they love to prepare to debate in a final debate round! They will learn how to research, respond to arguments, and improve their critical thinking skills, transforming them into persuasive and eloquent debaters! Our 4:1 student-teacher ratio provides every student the chance to work individually with our instructors in a supportive and collaborative environment.