Our classes offer a safe and positive environment where children can learn the martial art of Aikido. Our approach to teaching emphasizes physical fitness, self-discipline, body awareness, and respect for self and others.
Boston Aikikai is a vibrant dojo community that focuses on self-cultivation through the practice of Aikido. We strive to cultivate physical and mental well-being while fostering respect for self and others. Our classes are open to children ages 5 to 15, regardless of their previous martial arts or athletic experience. We strive to create a safe and positive environment for learning, emphasizing physical fitness, self-discipline, and body awareness. We look forward to welcoming you to the community!
A typical class begins with stretching and conditioning. Students then partner with each other to work on throws, falls, and pins. Practice is collaborative, not competitive, and children of all ages and levels of experience train with and learn from each other. Youth classes also introduce fundamentals of bokken and jo (wooden sword and staff) technique. Practice is serious but joyful, and also includes games that reinforce aikido skills and concepts.
Through aikido practice, children develop not only martial skill, but improved balance, coordination, stamina, and focus, as well as empowered but cooperative engagement with peers.
Ranking: Students are periodically offered opportunities to test for rank. Tests are not competitive, but rather an occasion to demonstrate mastery and celebrate progress.
Membership: Monthly dues are $75, or $70 per month with a recurring dues payment. Youth whose parents are enrolled in adult classes will receive a discount. Dogi (aikido uniforms) are available at the dojo to purchase. Prospective students who face financial hardship are invited to speak with our Chief Instructor Vu Ha Sensei regarding possible scholarship assistance.