Eureka Farm offers 18 different stalls in a variety of sizes, from 10’ x 12’ to 20’ x 12’. We also provide grass and all-weather paddocks and both indoor and outdoor rings with great footing. Our facility is designed with your horse’s comfort and safety in mind, so you can trust that your horse will be in good hands.
At Eureka Farm, our team strives to make your horse’s stay as enjoyable as possible. Our trainers are passionate about helping you and your horse reach your full potential. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, we’re here to provide you with the best training experience possible. We look forward to helping you and your horse reach your goals!
You also have access to trail riding at the Oak Hill Conservation Land, a 2-minute walk on horseback down Littleton Road. The trail head can be found by turning left out of the farm driveway, and walking until you get to the first driveway on the right side of the road. There is an entrance to the trail right off the parking area.