Since 1924, Brookline Music School has been the premier provider of music education in the Greater Boston area. We are committed to providing excellence in music education, relying on the generous donations of our supporters. Our teachers are carefully selected to best match each student’s learning style and musical interests, and all are experienced and highly qualified. Whether it’s through private lessons, summer classes, or workshops, Brookline Music School is open year-round and offers flexible scheduling to ensure that each student receives personalized instruction tailored to their needs.
Programs at Brookline Violin Lessons in Brookline, MA
Beginners Ballet
Students are encouraged to learn gestures and movements through observation, encouraging attention to detail and allowing for individual expressions of the same basic movement. The class will teach students how to feel movements and self-correct, and use improvisational games to integrate basic ballet concepts in to their own vocabulary.
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Music Play
Music is best learned when informal music guidance is begun as early in life as possible. In Music Play classes, students are exposed to playful and rich music that nurtures their music development needs with singing, chanting, moving, creating, and listening. Experienced teachers musically interact with students. These classes are designed for active participation of both adult and child. Be ready to sing, move, and have fun!
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Traditional Fiddle
Traditional Fiddle introduces folk fiddle techniques and styles in a fun and collaborative environment. Students will learn fiddle tunes from such musical traditions as Irish, Scottish, French-Canadian, Scandinavian, Old-Time and Bluegrass.
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