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Images curtesy of Field House Day School
About Field House Day School in Brockton, MA
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Raising children is a wonderful experience that brings joy and challenges to parents throughout the process. From the moment your baby is born, you embark on a journey that will last until your child is ten years old. The period from infancy to school age is a time of tremendous growth and development.
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Infants, from one month up to two years, are constantly learning and absorbing the world around them. During this period, they are developing physical skills like rolling over, crawling, and walking. They are also developing language and communication skills, emotional intelligence, and social abilities.
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As your child grows into early childhood, they will begin to explore their environment and engage in more complex play. From four to ten years old, they will start to develop more advanced cognitive and language skills. As they move into school age, they will become more independent and learn how to collaborate with their peers.