Evan W03/07/20225What a wonderful experience! This theater is a masterpiece as well as historically significant. It's breathtaking to view the artwork and architecture! I would strongly advise taking the tour if you really want to learn about the theater's history; you will gain an understanding of what it takes to keep a theater like the Wang Theater relevant, active, and alive.
Sandy P06/09/20225Simply stunning! The decor is excellent, and everything is kept up beautifully. Even in the "nose-bleeds," the acoustics are excellent, giving you a superb view and sound. It's a terrific place to impress a date with a show, even though the beverages are a touch expensive.
Kate O05/03/20225Stunning, historically significant facility with exquisite lighting, ceilings, and railings. Parking was challenging for those with mobility difficulties (if you park at Tufts medical center parking lot, Wang does not validate that parking). When people were standing up, upper balconies could be a little frightening. There wasn't much room up there, and the vertical pitch was really severe. The stairs proved to be tough for several folks. We also had to go back and wait in line because multiple ushers led us in the wrong direction. Particularly those with mobility difficulties faced this dilemma. Everything was great once we were seated and the show began.
Hannah W04/05/20225This was without a doubt the most upscale venue I've ever been for a concert. Highly advised. All of the facilities are of the highest caliber. The restrooms were also the best I've ever seen at a concert venue.
John D08/18/20225Stunning location with elegant architecture. You can purchase both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Also available are various munchies.