About First Church of Christ, Cong. in Bedford, MA

At The First Church of Christ, Congregational in Bedford, MA we are a diverse community of people from all walks of life and faith perspectives, yet we are all called to worship the living God, build relationships with each other and serve our neighbors. As an “Open and Affirming” United Church of Christ, we accept and include anyone and everyone, no matter who they are or where they are on their spiritual journey. We aim to create an environment of acceptance and support, where everyone is free to believe and practice their faith without judgement. We believe that everyone has something to contribute and can help to enrich the faith life of the congregation. As an Open and Affirming community of the United Church of Christ, we are committed to being an inclusive place of worship, where everyone can come to experience God’s love and grace. We strive to create a safe and welcoming space, free from judgement and prejudice, where all are affirmed and valued. We are a faith community that embraces differences and encourages all to participate and join in our mission of loving our neighbor and serving others. We believe that all are equal in the eyes of God, and strive to live out this belief in our daily lives. Together, we seek to build a community of faith and service that honors the dignity of every person.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Kids


  • Handicap accessible
  • Internet Access

Programs at First Church of Christ, Cong. in Bedford, MA

a group of kids sitting on a wooden deck
Nursery – Sunday mornings

We provide a safe and nurturing environment through a consistent paid teacher during our Sunday morning worship services. You have a choice. The children may be left with their teacher at 10:00 am or may begin in worship with the older children. Preschoolers are welcome in the nursery or in Sunday School. We know some preschoolers are excited to be with the older kids and others aren’t ready. We also know this can change from week to week.

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a woman sitting on a wall
Sunday School Pre-K – Grade 12

On the first Sunday of the month, starting at 10:00 am after the worship service, we have a Faith Education Program. After the “Children’s Message” the remaining Sundays of the month. At the start of each week, all children meet as a big community. During this time, we pray for each other, introduce the weekly focus and go over the daily logistics. Once gathered and focused, children split into groups for the rest of the class. Most weeks we split by age, some weeks we split by activity and occasionally we stay as a multi-age group. No matter how we split up, children and youth are engaged in age appropriate activities and reflection with their peers.

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a group of people in clothing
Sunday School – Middle School (Grades 6, 7 & 8)

Our youth explores questions central to life and faith, in units with distinctive focuses. Each unit is organized around a central event with meetings before and after for learning and reflection. The first few weeks we meet at church for dinner and programing as we prep for a “big activity.” The third week is a more time intensive/exciting activity. Our finial week is a wrap up session where we reflect over food on what we have done and learned. This year our units are:

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Location and contact information

25 Great Road, Bedford, MA, 01730