As a care provider, I have a tremendous responsibility to help your children grow and develop in a positive way. I provide a nurturing and supportive atmosphere where children are respected and accepted for who they are, and a safe place for them to express themselves and learn to interact with others. I strive to create a home away from home experience for each child, and I always strive to show them love, understanding, patience, warmth, and creativity.
It’s no secret that raising children is a lot of hard work. But taking care of children also brings many joys and rewards. They give me the opportunity to experience moments of simple joy, and to appreciate the beauty of life through their eyes. They keep me feeling young at heart and bring out my playful side. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life and to help them grow and explore.
Leaving your young infant with someone you don't know can be a difficult and nerve-racking decision to make. As more children enter child-care in the early, tender years of infancy, the continuity of care between home and outside care is very important for the young child. My daycare is specially designed for newborn to up to three years old. I will make sure the transition is as comfortable as possible for you and your child during this time. You can be sure that I will try to understand and value your practices at home and will strive to work with you to blend the two settings. I believe that to provide quality care, it is important for me to build trust, and loving bond with your child. I also believe that having a good relationship and maintaining good communication with parents concerning how care will be provided, is for the best interest of the child. Considering all of these ideas, I will be sensitive, accepting, cooperative, and accessible to meet all of your child's needs.