Welcome to the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago's newest ice facility! Our facility offers a wide array of activities for families, including public skating, hockey programs, and figure skating. We have a variety of amenities available, such as a full-service snack bar, meeting rooms, and a pro shop. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff is here to provide an enjoyable, safe, and exciting experience for all.
Are you looking for a place for your family to have fun and stay active? Look no further than our ice facility! Our facility offers a variety of activities for all ages, from public skating to hockey and figure skating programs. Our experienced staff is here to provide an enjoyable and safe experience for everyone. Plus, our facility has a full-service snack bar, meeting rooms, and a pro shop for all your needs.
Bring your family to our ice facility today for a fun and exciting experience! With a wide range of activities and amenities available, you'll be sure to have a great time. Our experienced staff is here to ensure that your experience is safe and enjoyable. Don't wait any longer, come to the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago's newest ice facility today!
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