About HeartGarden in Oak Park, IL

At Ana's studio, we are thrilled to offer families the opportunity to explore the depths of creativity and to become more actively involved in their children's education. Our certified Musikgarten instructors are committed to helping parents and children learn and create together. Musikgarten's curriculum provides a comprehensive approach to music and movement for children of all ages, helping them develop their language, cognitive, and motor skills. We are dedicated to encouraging families to embrace their unique artistry and to share and celebrate their gifts with their communities. Our goal is to foster a culture of creativity in which children and adults alike can use their imaginations to create beautiful lives and to bless their communities. With the tools and support provided by Ana's studio, parents and kids can look forward to experiencing lifelong learning, growth, and joy.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Kids


  • Handicap accessible
  • Dancing Studio

Programs at HeartGarden in Oak Park, IL

a group of children exercising
Buddha Belly Kids Yoga

We are thrilled to collaborate with Musikgarten of Oak Park to offer heart-centered, play-based education in the creative and calming space of HeartGarden. Inspired by their whimsical practices, Buddha Belly classes will utilize the sounds of the Musikgarten curriculum to help connect mind, body, and spirit. Through yoga, children will learn tools and techniques to deepen self-awareness, regulate emotions, build self-confidence, and cultivate creativity.

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a baby holding a toy
Family Music for Babies (0-18 mo) - 40 minutes

In this 40 minute class, adults have the opportunity to play musically with their baby so that their well-being and total development might be served. Parents, or caregivers, will learn many songs for touching eyes and ears, hands and feet - to help baby learn about the body and to build body awareness; songs for wiggling and tickling - to help baby enjoy the delight of music; songs for movement - to allow baby to feel the flow, beat, meter, phrase, and nuance for music. This class is rich in interactive songs - bouncing, rocking and dancing songs - to express the joy of playing together. We sing rocking and quiet songs, to help baby calm him/herself. We explore various rhythm instruments that baby can use and manipulate as he/she learns about sound, timbre, and vibration. There is much repetition from week to week because repetition of simple songs and rhymes enhances memory, oral expression and later written language.

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a group of kids wearing masks
Cycle of Seasons (3-5 yrs) - 45 Minutes

The Cycle of Seasons ~ draws its central themes from nature and aims to bring the family into the music, movement, and environmental experience. Life on earth is subject to seasonal changes - a wonderful phenomenon! This class cultivates the child's musical development through songs, tonal and rhythm patterns, drumming, poetry and stories, movement activities, listening games, instrumental play and manipulative games. The children will explore songs, dances and instruments using themes from the seasons and nature - a subject children love! Children are reminded that music is all around them - even in a sunset or a breath of wind! The children are introduced to musical language for the rhythm and tonal patterns (Du Du-de for the rhythm patterns, and "do-mi-sol" solfege for tonal patterns.) The children begin to transfer tonal patterns to resonator bars. We continue with active listening and enjoy poetry to experience of the music of language. At this age, the child's language is exploding and is a source of joy and pleasure.

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Location and contact information

911 S Lombard Ave, Oak Park, IL, 60304