The Niles Park District is overseen by five elected commissioners. These individuals, who each serve for four years on an unpaid basis, are committed to representing the recreation needs of the community. With the power to levy taxes, set or change policies, sign agreements, award contracts and more, they have the same responsibilities as the board of directors of a public corporation.
The Niles Park District also employs an Executive Director, who is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the Park District. By working with professional staff, the Executive Director ensures that the Park Board is informed of the current happenings within the district.
The Niles Park District is dedicated to providing its citizens with recreational activities that meet their needs. By working together, the five elected commissioners and the Executive Director make sure that the Park District is running as best it can.
Programs at Niles Park District IceLand in Niles, IL
Any skaters interested in skating on the Niles Park District IceLand Freestyle Sessions who are not currently part of the NPD IceLand Skate School (a skater who is actively taking classes in, taking lessons from a staff coach, and participating in IceLand programs) must contact the skating director at at least 48 hours in advance. Non-staff coaches must have permission to teach on any freestyle session in advance. Non-staff coaches must fill out the Non-staff Coaching Agreement and be approved by the skating director and rink manager prior to attending any freestyle sessions
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Private Skating Lesson
Private lessons are a great way to learn quickly while having fun, but they also require commitment from the student, coach and parent. Once you have your lesson day and time, please make sure to exchange telephone numbers and e-mail addresses with your instructor and communicate possible delays or cancellation with them directly. All instructors have their own policy’s regarding late arrival and missed lessons, so you will want to check with your specific instructor. Most will charge you for no-show lessons, full fee’s for lessons even when late, and consultation time. Our instructors are all on tight schedules and no one wants to waste time or money. Please remember your instructor is an independent contractor while teaching a private lesson. They must hold liability insurance as such naming Niles IceLand as additionally insured. All of our instructors have been back ground check not only by our park district but also by our professional organizations for the safety of our customers.
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An opportunity to try out our Rookie Rangers class for a very little investment. This class is for novice level skaters with an interest in playing hockey. All basic equipment (skates, shin guards, elbow pads, gloves, helmet/facemask and stick) is provided for an additional charge. Players who have their own equipment are also welcome into this class!
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Reviews of Niles Park District IceLand in Niles, IL
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