Through 4-H, Illinois youth are being prepared to become the leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, stewards and builders of tomorrow that our state needs.
4-H provides a safe and encouraging environment for youth to practice the skills needed to become successful leaders. Youth engage in activities such as public speaking, problem solving, goal setting and decision making that help them develop leadership qualities.
4-H also encourages youth to become engaged in their local communities and take action to make a difference. Through service learning and community service projects, youth learn valuable lessons in civics, citizenship, communication, and collaboration that will help them become successful, responsible citizens.
While at camp your child can swim, boat, climb the rock wall, make crafts, fish, take hayrack rides, participate in archery, participate in S.T.E.M. activities, hike, make s’mores over a camp fire and so much more! We will have counselors in every cabin with the campers and staff providing programs at Outdoor Education, Waterfront, Recreation, Arts & Crafts, the Climbing Tower and Creation Station (S.T.E.M. activities). You get to choose from a wide selection of activities during parts of the day and participate in whole group activities during other parts. Whether you are with your cabin group, color team, or just hanging out with some of your new friends, there is always plenty of fun things to do!
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