Curtain Call Community Theatre (CCCT) is the result of a merger of Fine Arts Association of Frankfort, Kentucky and the Capital Arts Theatre of Frankfort. CCCT is proud to provide an opportunity for community members to participate in the performing arts. Their mission is to foster the development of local performing arts, provide production and education, and create a deeper involvement of the community.
The motto of CCCT is “Downtown Quality at Community Theatre Prices”. This mission statement reflects the commitment of the organization to provide quality theatrical productions to the community while keeping the cost of tickets affordable. All productions are staffed by local artists, and the organization is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for audiences of all ages.
GRADES K-8 Lemonade and Beauty and the Beast
The purpose of our program, in addition to learning about theatre and putting on a show, is to have fun. It is important that the participants do this while staying within the rules that have been outlined. They must respect the camp facilities, the production team, and fellow participants at all times.
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