Christopher B05/15/20215Literally, Stages is one of my favorite kid's lessons. The ideal approach to engage your children in theater, art, and music. The entire crew is fantastic with children and never lets you down. Also, they always look for opportunities to collaborate with nearby charity to give back! Amazing!
James G06/21/20215One of my favorite kid's lessons is simply Stages. The ideal approach to engage your children in art, music, and theater. With children, the entire crew is fantastic and never lets you down. In addition, they are constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate with local charity to give back! Amazing!
Riley J08/14/20225I'm grateful for such a fun gathering! The concert was adored by everybody! Strongly advised for a sizable gathering of youngsters in need of fun. Wonderful experience.
Stephanie H06/10/20225I can't stress how much I love phases! My kid likes the sessions and camps because Emily and her staff make him feel comfortable and at home. Very worth the money. Of the classes we've attended, this is the only one in which I've observed him to be so attentive.
Diane A09/21/20225Now that we have enjoyed this class for a year, we can also say that we adore their birthday celebrations. The staff is excellent and goes above and beyond to make the day perfect! A great celebration for a lot of children!