At our nonprofit community theatre company, we believe that the whole world is our stage. We specialize in transforming overlooked, neglected, or plain locations into extraordinary temporary theatre spaces. Environmental theatre is a wonderful way to break out of the boundaries of the traditional proscenium theatre. Instead of simply peering in on a scene in a mythical forest, you are actually in the forest! We take you to the alleyway behind the Russell Hotel, the cobblestone roads of Paris, and the banks of the Mississippi River right here in your hometown.
Our mission is to provide an immersive theatrical experience like no other. We offer a unique opportunity for you to be taken on a journey to distant places. We bring the theatre to you, to places you never thought possible. Our environmental theatre is designed to make you feel as if you are truly in the scene, not just watching from afar. We invite you to join us on this exciting adventure to explore the world with us.
Programs at Acting Out Theatre Company in Bradley, IL
Summer Stock
Since its birth summer stock theatre has served the dual purpose of providing a training ground for young performers and quality entertainment for the locals of rural towns to enjoy during the summer season. We present one show each summer to inspire, enlighten, and educate our community.
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