About Code Ninjas-Algonquin in Algonquin, IL

Parents are looking for an engaging and educational way to introduce their kids to coding. Code Ninjas® is the perfect solution. Our dojos provide a unique and exciting learning experience for kids of all ages. They learn to code in a fun and creative environment, giving them the skills and confidence to succeed in the tech world. Plus, they get to make their own video games and share them with family and friends.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Kids
  • Tweens


  • Handicap accessible
  • Internet Access

Programs at Code Ninjas-Algonquin in Algonquin, IL

a group of children smiling
CODE NINJAS JR Ages 5 to 7

Code Ninjas JR builds a foundation of coding and problem-solving skills for kids ages 5-7 through our fun and completely visual curriculum – no reading required! Our world-class program combines storytelling and game building with hands-on projects for an immersive education experience.

a person and a boy using laptops

In Code Ninjas CREATE, kids have a blast building awesome video games and developing ninja coding skills on the path from white to black belt. Our fun program lets kids ages 7-14 learn to code year-round at their own pace! Convenient scheduling is available through our Code Ninjas Mobile App.

a group of kids playing with a toy
CODE NINJAS CAMPS Summer & Year Round

Transform your child's love for technology into an exciting learning adventure. Guided by our team of Code Senseis, Code Ninjas Camps empower kids to gain valuable tech skills and make new friends. It's an unforgettably fun learning experience!

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Location and contact information

2755 Algonquin Road, Algonquin, IL, 60102