About North River Shores Tennis in Stuart, FL

For over 40 years, the NRSTC Junior Tennis Program has been dedicated to providing quality tennis programming to the local community of Stuart, Florida, and beyond. With a focus on the physical, psychological, and technical elements of the sport, our program is designed to make tennis fun and engaging for children and teens. We strive to teach our players the right way to play the game, so they can develop their skills and take their game to the next level. Our goal is for everyone to experience the sport of a lifetime.

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What kind of kids we support

  • Coed
  • Preschool
  • Kids
  • Tweens

Programs at North River Shores Tennis in Stuart, FL

a boy playing tennis
Red Ball

Children work on: moving and balancing, throwing catching, handling a racquet, learning basic contact positions, hitting and catching rallies, learning to listen and working with a partner.

a group of boys posing for a photo
Red Ball II

Players work on: controlled movement including running, jumping, different throwing and catching patterns, basic strokes with simple grips and swing shapes. Building a rally over short distance, starting points with simples serves as well as learning how to score.

a boy playing tennis
Orange Ball

Orange Ball I (8-10 years 60’ court orange balls) — coordinated movements in different directions, stroke shapes, coordinating use of their arms for overhead serving. Rallying from the baseline for a 60’ court and Implementing serves into game play.

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Location and contact information

2393 NW Britt Rd, Stuart, FL, 34994