It all began with a young boy's purchase of six chicks. From there, he bought more, sold some, and ended up with thirteen. This amazing journey has taught the boy valuable lessons that can only be learned from experience. For a full account of this incredible journey, please visit the Beaucoop Farm blog. You'll get an in-depth look at the boy's experiences from the start of his adventure to where he is now.
Repurpose with Poppie's Famous Chalk Paint Powder, Vermicomposting, Build-a-Coop, Build-a-Barrel, Mealworm Farming, Hay Gardening, Garden Boxes, Show & Tell (Endangered Chickens and Turkeys,) Feed Fermenting, Worm Tea & Castings, Paint a Nesting Box with Poppie's Famous Chalk Paint Powder.
Thought about growing your own food? Thought about raised beds? Come join us and learn about hay bale gardening! This class is sponsored by Robinson Hay and Jessica's Organic Farm Stand. Guests will be given a bale of hay and be able to choose from a selection of organic seedlings.
We are offering a Vermicomposting Workshop for those interested in super charging their gardens with worms, worm castings and worm tea. This workshop is sponsored by Taurus Storage and The Worm Girls. Each guest will go home with a worm bin and some worms to get started.
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