Images curtesy of Championship Martial Arts of Oviedo
About Championship Martial Arts of Oviedo in Oviedo, FL
At our schools, you can trust our professional instructors to guide and support you on your journey to reach your highest potential. Our instructors have all been certified and receive ongoing training to ensure they are up-to-date and knowledgeable in the latest teaching methods and martial arts techniques. All of our instructors are dedicated to providing a positive, friendly, and courteous learning experience.
Our schools are proud to have a team of certified and experienced instructors who can help you reach your goals. Our instructors have received specialized training in teaching techniques and martial arts, and are dedicated to giving you the best possible learning experience. They are passionate about creating a friendly and positive atmosphere, and strive to do so in a courteous manner.
Programs at Championship Martial Arts of Oviedo in Oviedo, FL
Martial Arts Program
Karate is a highly supervised activity. In fact, the average student /teacher ratio is only 10 to 1. The children are never asked to perform any movements that would put them into danger of injury. Our children’s curriculum has been specifically designed to accommodate ages 5 and up. This curriculum has been modified so children of these ages can successfully learn and perform all of the moves necessary to excel.
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