The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is an amazing organization that has been helping athletes around the globe since 1954, and has touched millions of lives. FCA focuses on utilizing the platform of sports to reach athletes and coaches with the transformative power of Jesus Christ. In addition, FCA works hard to equip and empower coaches and athletes to work together to make a difference in their local communities.
FCA has a great mission statement that parents can get behind: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. With this in mind, it is important for parents to remember that youth sports should be about the development of the child’s character and ability, and not about inflating the ego of the adult. All players should be asked to practice and play hard, and the end results of the game will take care of themselves. Let’s all pursue excellence with joy!
As a competitor, do you want to grow stronger in your physical and mental approach to your sport? Do you want to mature spiritually, drawing upon God’s power that lives in you to glorify Him in competition? If so, then sign up for FCA Camp!
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