Our unique “floating” floor rests on a system of high-density foam to absorb the shock and impact of regular dance movements. This helps to reduce fatigue and prevents injury that can result from performing on hard surfaces. The top layer of the studio floor is a professional vinyl Marley floor, similar to the surfaces used by the New York City Ballet and the So You Think You Can Dance stage. It provides just the right amount of slip to allow for sliding in dance movement without being too slippery like common tiles found in most other studios.
Programs at Xpressit Dance Center in Homestead, FL
Summer Dance Camp
Xpressit’s themed summer dance camp is a unique and creative program designed for a day of fun and accomplishment. Our goal is to provide an educational and fun-filled experience that will promote self-Xpression, confidence and creativity through the art of dance. Our summer dance camp includes instruction in Stretch & Conditioning, Contemporary, Hip-Hop, Acro, Jazz and Ballrooom. In addition to instructional classes, dancers will also participate in STEAM activities, Outdoor Fun and Arts & Crafts! This will ensure that your child has manageable segments of both energetic activities and necessary downtime. We value children and families at Xpressit Dance Center and we are eager to leave a positive lasting imprint in their hearts and souls. Lunches and field trip costs are included.
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Spring Dance Camp
Spring Camp is a fun and imaginative program designed to keep dancers wanting to come back for more! Each day explores a different genre of dance and focuses on the techniques and terms associated with that genre. Creative genre specific crafts are woven in to allow dancers necessary down time. Parents will be asked to pack a lunch daily as the camp does not provide meals. We do however, provide healthy snacks throughout the day as well as bottled water. We value children and families at Xpressit Dance Center and we are eager to leave a positive lasting imprint in their hearts and souls.
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Ballet is a classical dance form demanding grace and precision and employing formalized steps and gestures set in intricate, flowing patterns to create expression through movement. Ballet originated during the Italian Renaissance in the fifteenth century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a widespread and highly technical form of dance performed world wide. Ballet is considered the foundation of any well rounded dance education.
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