Founded in Nov 11, 1995, the About-Art-Sport-Center has a mission to create a perfect harmony between body and mind. At the center, children can explore a range of activities, including karate do, ballet, and a strong after school program, all designed to help them improve on their existing skills.
The Center is spearheaded by Jesus Alberto Costa, director, sensei and 5th karate do black belt. With his commitment and dedication to the cause, the Center is making steady progress in achieving its main goal of helping children find inner peace and harmony.
Our quality after school program is a community driven, expanded learning opportunity that supports development of cognitive, social, physical, and emotional outcomes. In addition, the program offers a balanced program of academic support, arts and cultural enrichment, and recreation.
According to the Harvard Family Research Project, after-school programs help students from low-income families overcome the inequities they face in the school system.
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